LSA Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals for MS Word

Save this link as LSA.XSL.

This is an XML style sheet for citations that can be added to your MS Word styles. It implements the LSA recommendations described at This was built using BibWord. Send thanks to Yves Dhondt.

If you can improve on it please send me a copy.

INSTALLATION (further documentation can be found at

Installation on Windows (Word 2007/2010) To use the bibliography styles, they have to be copied into the Microsoft Word bibliography style directory.
This directory can vary depending on where Word is installed:


On most 32-bits machines with Microsoft Word 2007 this will be:

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style

On most 32-bits machines with Microsoft Word 2010 this will be:

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\Bibliography\Style

Once the styles are copied to the directory, they will show up every time Microsoft Word is opened.

Installation on Mac OS X (Word 2008)

To use the bibliography styles, right-click on Microsoft Word 2008 and select show package contents. Put the files in:


On most Macs with Microsoft Word 2008 this will be:

/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft